Saturday, November 22, 2008

Black Superheroes?

There have been a lot of talk about black superheroes since the release of the movie "Hancock." The movie stars Will Smith who portrays a homeless, drunk superhero.

We have recieved quite a number of African American superheroes such as John Stewart aka The Green Lantern and Blade throughout recent memory. But none of them has reached main stream American like Hancock has. However, some believe that the portrayal of Hancock as a black superhero is demeaning. What do you think?

I, on the other hand, see this race issue as just a facade. I think the movie points out that superheroes are not always the clean shaven, sympatethic, and altruistic people that we all dream about. They can also start out in the wrong direction, but if they are true heroes then they will end up being one. Besides, it is interesting to see how someone like Hancock can end up being a superhero.


zack said...

i agree with this person on his opinion

Mr. Reck said...

Also in the works - possible Wonder Woman flick with Beyonce.

Farrah Goldsmith said...

I think its great that the movie producers and screen writers are invcluding black superheros such as will smith and beyonce. The world deffinitly should accept these type of things. Now that Barack Obamama is our president elect i deffinitly think he is a superhero to millions of people not just in america, but around the world. After watching the preview for the movie, i realise that they are portraying him as a drunk hobo which i dont think is so that good but it looks like he cleans his act up by the end. While in baltimore over the summer there while an anime convention was going on. people of all races were there dressed up as their favorie asian superheros. i thought it was really cool how they all come together for that and it shows that there are more than just white superheros and all diffrent races can enjoy them.

David Swissman said...

I also think it is great that movie producers are having a black superhero. Even though it doesnt seem like it is that big of a deal, i think it is small things like this that makes America more diverse. In my opinion just having white superheros, discriminates against all other races.

Anonymous said...

Well now you have to think way back to the 1950s. In the time that comic book superhero characters were first being written was the time of segregation. It is only in recent years (70s-90s) that we are finally seeing some diversity in our superhero line-up.
PS: Anime superhero stories tend to have multicultural characters.

Andrew E.

MarkTheiler said...

Black Panther is in production too. It's either wesley snipes or djimon hounsou. and how about halle berry as storm in the x-men trilogy?

jennifer c said...

I think that it is great to include black superheroes. If you see all the superheroes now, like superman, batman superman and hulk they are white. The enemies are white as well. It would be really funny to see black superheroes, they would make everyone laugh. Also, it would make America seem more diverse.