So here is the... DIVERSITY VIDEO!!!
everyone watch and let me know what you think...
so i had A LOT of help with this and everyone worked really hard on it...
so i decided to share it with everyone!
i have one request. all you lovely people who helped me out with the Diversity Video...
please do read.
please answer the question we all asked... "What is Diversity?"
but please RELATE IT to the filming we did.
reflect... what are you feelings about being part of the video? what do YOU feel diversity is?
describe the diversity you witnessed when filming and reflect on everything we worked on and your answer to the question. Do make it meaningful!
thank you
and thank you again
and (why not?) again!
if you have any questions let me know.
Yay for diversity!
Dana "Sunshine"
I love the video its cool. it makes you realize that diversity is everywhere, and that its important.
just showing everyone walking around and talking shows diversity right there. Diversity isn't just race, its everything. Its defiantly something that makes us unique. It can be as much as having different hair color. Good job guys!
Marisa S
We experienced diversity not only in filming the video but just in hanging out at Alex's house. Diversity is about different people interacting and everyone seemed to do a lot of that before and after shooting the movie. (I also wrote a little something in the journal)
Andrew E.
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