Saturday, November 15, 2008

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

So, again completely ironically, my last Netflix movie was the original Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. There were a few really amazing scenes in it, if you've never seen it, that I thought really brought up intruiging questions about what we say vs. what we really mean. Are we still racist if we think racist thoughts, but don't act upon them or teach them to others? Do the parents have a point?

This movie was made in the late 60s, but it still includes issues that we debate today. Why haven't these racial issues been resolved in over 40 years?

I know it's kind of long, but the scenes all tie in together and if you've never seen the movie at all, it really gives you all the info you need to figure out the plot basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great movie and Sydney Portiei was an amazing actor! Watch "In the Heat of the Night".

Andrew E.