Monday, December 15, 2008

Our Artifacts

After we are gone and the our society has declined, what will we be remembered for? What will we leave behind as a society?


Marisa S said...

I think once we are all gone we will be remembered for some great things, and some things that are not so great. We will be known for our diversity, and the things we were able to build and create. Although as our society goes the things that we will most likely be remembered for the most is our problems. Things that did not work, war, problems within the people. People would use us as examples and learn from our mistakes .

Giuli said...

I think that this is such a good question to ask considering that we are graduating this new year. It's so weird how we will leave East Brunswick behind and follow through on a new experience in college. I think we'll each be remembered by our accomplishments through school and the community. Awards, sports, contributions, etc. However, our year will certainly be remembered for our mistakes as well. I agree with Marisa, that people will learn from us and try to improve our society in years to come.

Joseph said...

Once our society goes out I think that our most obvious qualities will remain of us. Wars that are major to us may in the distant future be near forgotten. A society isn't judged on the little things that appear in it, but the constant images of that society that remain after years of appearences. Society isn't judged by the little things things that may have had a temporary affect, but they are judged by major occurences that last for centuries. In that manor is exactly how our society will be remembered. Not for what affects us now, but will affect us in the years to come.

Dana said...

The human memory is very fragile and history is subject to dissolving over time.

What are we remembered for?

We are remembered for the things that remain. See the pyramids of Egypt. Short of blasting them to pieces with dynamite, there is no getting rid of them. Therefore they are remembered as is the civilization that built them.

On the other hand, the Mongolions were a great people known for conquering and little else? Why? They didn't write much. They didn't paint or sculpt much. They didn't build much, either. They were busy conquering. Maybe they left behind some oral tales, but those easily get lost. Note that the oral tales that still around today are the ones that can be ordered from Harper Collins or Scholastic. Print remains. Therefore, it is remembered.

We are remembered for the things that are preserved in museums. That is why they exist, because otherwise important facts, stories, artifacts, etcetera would be lost.

A prime example of this is the Corbis’ Film Preservation Facility which has taken the deteriorating Bettman archive of 11 million historical images and is preserving them in a lab underground in Pennsylvania. Why? Because these images are what have been left behind by humanity. It is their way of sealing time in amber.

Dana aka "Sunshine"

jdove said...

Our society is known for alot of things, that we like to start trouble then walk away from it as if we dont know what has happen. We are also known for the country that can dream big and achieve it.

jennifer c said...

Wouldn't it be great to know what happens in a few years, how everyone will look, what their careers in life will be? I wish that could happen. This is a good question to ask because it is a new year and we have a new president. People have resolutions and want to change themselves and go on and leave the past behind. I think that once we are all gone we would be remembered for only the positive things that happened, and not so much of the negative. I also agree with Marisa that some of things that we would be remembered by would be our problems because people will learn from us and try to fix the mistakes that we have made and try to make a better society in future years.

Bianca D. said...

We will be remembered as being a wasteful society who only believed in instant gratification. We’ll leave behind a scarred barren earth that is just a few years away from being a biohazard, and a long list of endangered species. We’ll be remembered for sacrificing quality for the sake of time and convenience, and the repercussions we suffered as a result (FDA approving drugs faster having a correlation with the amount of drug recalls, the negative effects of high fructose corn syrup on appetite, ect.).
A while ago I read a (fiction) futuristic novel where our generation was described as the ‘rusties’ because of our (for them) crude technology, and dependence on oil, which apparently led to our demise (in this book a miserable fiery one involving oil). I have the feeling we’ll be remembered for something similar.
On a lighter note, I think we Americans will be remembered for our actions on 9/11. There were many instances of bravery and selflessness that day that I think show the good that our nation is capable of doing for others despite being in the midst of tragedy. And we’ll definitely be remembered for this election; the melting pot nation finally having its first black president.