Monday, December 29, 2008

Texting Your Way to Love

This video pertains to some of what we did at the beginning of the unit in Mrs. Deerson's class. It mocks people in today's society who are only able to form relationships with other people through technology, such as cell phones. Texting and emailing have significantly lowered our ability to interact and have made people more awkward when it comes to dating because it is so much easier just to send a text. The video seems like it's just making fun, but it has a serious point to it.


Shermmm said...

this just made my day.

alexbobalex said...

okay... so while this does have a point... i find it funny but very disturbing at the same time. some of it is true... but i do think texting helps a relationship along because you can be in contact with the other person all the time. and that does help becuase like, for me, there is very little time in my life where i can sit and actually be talking on the phone, so modern technology does help people stay in contact with each other.

Unknown said...

I agree with Alex that texting can be helpful. I mean, cell phones, Facebook, and all of that sort of thing are supposed to help keep people in contact with each other. But maybe the fact that you don't have time to actually talk to your boyfriend reflects badly on life these days. Not you specifically, but people in general always have fifty things to do and no time to do them all in, so serious conversations don't happen as much any more. My dad jokes a lot that the only way to have a conversation with my mom is to call her, and even then it'll only work if she actually answers her phone. The sad part is, it's basically true. My last boyfriend and I wrote letters to each other. Yes, we called and IMed and texted and even saw each other as well, but how many people send snail mail letters to each other these days? It was a really nice and even relaxing way to communicate with him because it forced me to take a break from everything once in a while to write to him and then to read his letters. I don't know of any one else who dose something like that, and I think this video is really pretty true.

Rebecca Ruth said...

i agree with the video no one really calls much anymore lol you my brother is telling me just call my friend instead of texting because thats all I do I did used to call my friends all the time before I had texting and there was a time we would leave voice comments back and forth once too but that all changed to texting and now all I do is text as much as I love phone calls I also find it weird now since I text so much so this video has a point no matter how weird it is lol

anna s said...

I think that sometimes texting can help relationships along, but I never feel like I really connect with people unless I'm talking with them face to face. People really are busy now and it is hard to find time to do things like sit down and actually connect with people, but sometimes you actually have to take the time to do it. We're naturally social creatures and I don't know if texting and IMing actually count as social contact if you're not actually conversing in a normal, "I-can-actually-hear-them-speak" kind of way.
Diverging from the whole texting thing, this video also comments on the need for alcohol to serve as a social mediator. The only time the couple actually got along in person was when they were drinking. Has alcohol become the new "watering hole" of our society? Are we dependent on it as a means to "connect" (in however poorly a way) with others because we're so stunted emotionally by lack of actual social contact?

PermanentRain said...

this video is so true. texting people is even more exciting then seeing them in real life. ive known from past experiences. wow.

Rebecca Ruth said...

I dont like the whole break up thing over a text or even IM you notice its mostly men who do that because most men hate seeing girls cry not to sound offensive or anything thats just my opinion but we IM and text so much its like we're losing the abitly to actually socialize in person soon no one will talk in person it'd be all IMing and texting and since calling is overated apparently we might even forget how friends vioces sound does anyone agree with me on that? Irs ok if no one does.

alexbobalex said...

okay - when it comes to texting a break up i don't think it's because guys don't like to see girls cry - that's just so stereotypical! when anyone texts a break-up - or even does it over phone/computer - i find there could be a few reasons.
1. it could be because that individual is a straight up jack@$$
2. the individual has no respect for what the relationship was, himself, or the broken up
3. a specific reason - like being afraid of the other reacting violently or something.
so those are just my thoughts on that. Now while i do admit to breaking up over the phone (with my boyfriend of 11 months - keep in mind) it was for a d@mn good reason. trust me - the two of us had plently of ability to socialize - but it was just not the best idea for two of us to be together during the break up.

SO while sometimes it is straight up rude to text/call/im a break up - there are sometimes reasons.

Rebecca Ruth said...

true I agree with your reasons too I didn't mean to stereotype people
I think we find more and more excuses to text people now me and my friends use texting likes its another form of AIM sometimes I used to call my friends all the time to make plans maybe even just talk now you're always seeing me text rarely do you see me talking to someone on my cell phone unless I'm talking to family or talking to someone who called me our generation has so much technology to communicate to people now its making us really lazy ans thats making our society what it is today

Dana said...

Texting can be really great for starting a relationship, but it cannot be the substance of the relationship.

I'm going to use a metaphor, comparing having a relationship to building a bonfire fire.

In the beginning of relationship, you need two people who are attracted to each other and together make a spark.

To build a fire, you need a match and a sulfur strip to strike it on that will make a spark.

When people "text their way to love", it is the fire equivalent of pouring gasoline and lighting it. It flares up immediately, gets very hot, and if not the gasoline has not been poured carefully, it can get very messy. But the most important part is to remember that bonfire needs to have substance. It needs to have a log base. If all you have is gasoline, the fire will burn out. If you can keep adding logs of social substance to the fire, it will keep burning.

I personally find that there is something less fulfilling about texting to love in the long run. I dated a boy long distance for 20 months and it never would have worked if we texted. I didn't get to see him very often so I got so much pleasure from little things like hearing his voice. It was magical. There wouldn't have been any magic in texting.

Dana aka "Sunshine"

Jelly Bean said...

This just made my day, as well. But, it is also really sad. I definitely think there are people out there who are perfect models for this video. Any sort of relationship isn't helped all that much by constant texting. Not only is there barely any kind of vocal communication, but people start to lose literacy all together. I know people who rely on T9 word or whatever for spelling, and have to check spelling using it. Basically texting should be used minimally or at least equally to talking in person/on the phone.

Courtney said...

I really don't think texting does anything for human relationships.

It's easy if you want to just shoot someone a quick text--let's say, we're meeting at chili's at 9:30--but I could never have a real conversation while texting. I just find it so much better to pick up the phone and call. And if I have something of importance to say, I most likely get in the car and drive to whoever's house to have this real conversation.

People wonder why their relationships don't work out, or why they are so shortlived. Well, the basis of any relationship is communication, and once the venue of communication is reduced to letters on a phone keypad, the basis is shot.

This video, obviously a social commentary, also mentions the pathetic "text message breakup". Maybe it works for some people, but to me, relationships are meaningful things, things that should be very upsetting and hard to end. I think it's cowardly when people either initiate or conclude relationships while texting (or on the phone or online). I think breaking up through text messages, especially, completely devalues what the relationship used to be. Maybe if the relationship was no more than a big game of text-message-ping pong, then the cowardly text-message breakup is suitable. But if a relationship really meant something, ending it by any means of communication other than face-to-face contact, in my eyes, is a childish cop-out.

Melissa K said...

I agree that yes, texting can be helpful and convenient. But isn't it convenience that's destroying us in the long run? Because of all our modern technology to make things faster and easier, soon we will not be able to function on our own. People don't know how to cook because of microwaves. Drivers can't find their way when their GPS breaks because they're so reliant on it. So conveniences such as texting may seem easy now, but their long-term effects will be much more detrimental than we realize.

jennifer c said...

hahaha...this also just made my day, I come home from work and have to finish my journal and I come upon this video! I think that everyone texts more than they used to and people rely on it way too much. Instead of calling or seeing each other face to face, people think that it is easier to text, which sort of is true. People these days are very busy and have barely any time for themselves so they really do not have the time to sit and talk for an hour, so what would be easier for them would be to send a text. I text a lot but I also call people if I need to talk to them. I still write letters, even though they raised it to 42 cents, but I barely use email anymore only for important things. I also think that facebook and modern technology does help people stay in contact with each other.

Rebecca Ruth said...

I agree we depend to much on technology one of my jounral entries for this uit explains things like take a kids cell phone and computer away and that kid might as well just die because you took away the only thing they really know how to do and they are so lost with out it we wonder why society is going down hill is because of all the lazy people who sit on their butts all day staring at computers or phones I admit I'm one of those people but now I'm going to make a promise to myself I'll spend less time online less time texting and more time spending it outside and seeing the world for what it really is more time hanging with my friends rather then just texting because thats no fun sitting there doing nothing but texting or using the computer I should know from experience if any of you are like me we should all make a promise to our selves

jennifer c said...
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jennifer c said...
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Jeff R said...

I really can't comment on the amount of time on the computer, considering i just sat here for like ten minutes watching the clip and reading the comments.
But as for texting. There are pros and cons. A lot of what I say has to do with HOW i say it (sarcasm, sincerity, etc.), which can get lost in a text. That being said, texting is the only way I talk to most of my friends because that's what they know how to do. I see them like every day, so there's no need to "remember their voice" or anything.
As for a relationship, texting can help in many ways. Although it can greatly change the form or communication, it can sometimes increase it, based on how often it is done.

Spencer J I said...

that was a stroke of genius. While i was watching that I couldnt help but notice that I act at times as those champ and sara acted in the video. Texting is fun, helpful, convenient, and easy. But it's also a very low level of communication. My girlfriend and I rarely talk on the phone, rather we text each other everyday. Thats just how life goes really. Calling takes up time, while texting allows for multi tasking. And if I feel like I want to end the converstion for whatever reason, I can as easy as 123. It makes things a helluva lot easier

Jordan I said...

i never had to go through the texting thing becasue i just reacenty got texting and becasuse of that when i did meet my girlfriend i actually talked to her at work and in person. but today all people do is text, i can see someone texting 911, that that is horable