Friday, December 12, 2008

Twilight Zonal Societies

In light of our new unit on societal values, I found one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes. It's called "The Eye of the Beholder" and it's totally awesome. A lot of old Twilight Zone episodes address social issues like values, etc., but this episode is my ultimate favorite. I tried to find the best short video that got the message across, but if you're really interested, they have whole episodes that you can watch online. I didn't want to post them because they're about 25 minutes long.

Anyway, this video raises a lot of questions about the societal norms and values of a culture. Feel free to comment on any issue it makes you think about or your opinion of the video, etc.

Just to establish what is happening, basically the woman just had an operation on her face (her eighth or ninth, I believe) to become beautiful, which is what she's always wanted more than anything. All the nurses and doctors pity her, but at the same time are disgusted by her. They don't know whether the operation will work since it hasn't every other time she's had one, but they're removing her bandages in this scene.


Robyn said...

so i think the synopsis of whats going on is kind of inaccurate. from watching this scene, it seems that its sort of a nazi type of society but not as aggresive. instead of being put into camps, they are put into communes to be part of an accepting group among the majority. i dont think pity and disgust are the most fitting words. the doctors wish they could help the woman but are disappointed in themselves for not being able to.

alexbobalex said...

i'll tell you anna - this time (unlike last) i completely agree with you! the whole concept of getting an operation to be "beautiful" is something that is so prominant in our society today! and then i question - WHO has the right to say who or what is beautiful?
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".

Dan said...

I have seen the episode "Eye of the Beholder" and i think that it is amazing and very thought provoking. There are so many people in the episode who are telling this woman that she is ugly and has one more shot to be beautiful yet they themselves are the ugly ones. However, if they all look like they do, does that make them beautiful in there society and the "beautiful" woman ugly? I thought that shooting this episode without showing anyones head and face until the very end was genius because you truly believed this woman was ugly and therefore ridiculed yet at the very end you find out that everyone else is ugly. It's amazing how an episode changed so quickly and the whole time led you to believe something and then show you the exact opposite. Great example/connection!