Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tolerance vs Acceptance

What is the difference between "tolerance" and "acceptance"? Is one a more useful term when we talk about diversity and our differences?


Other said...

Tolerance is just putting up with something, Accepting is when you personally approve of something. It is possible to tolerate something without accepting it, like a horrible roommate for instance.

Gene said...

Tolerance is knowing that you have school in the morning and acceptance is actually getting out of bed to go there.

alexbobalex said...

haha i lovvve the comment gene!
so true...

ChudiO said...

Tolerance is not fully accepting something or someone, but only recognizing the presence of that someone or something, and not standing against or disagreeing with it. With acceptance, you not only not standing against something, but you also support it. I think that both of these terms are useful when it comes to diversity; for example, not everyone will enjoy country music, but no one will actually try to end it altogether.

JesMan said...

Tolerance is more like acknowledging that someone does not have the same point of view as you, but you let it be. Acceptance is pretty much believing in something. Tolerance is used a lot more often than acceptance, because not a lot of people believe in the same thing. Most people know that everyone has their own thoughts so people try to be more tolerant. Tolerance does not have necessarily have to deal with ethnicity. It can also deal with beliefs.

mBkInGs3 said...

Tolerance is when you put up with someone although you may not want to, at time we just have to. However, Acceptance is to approve or put up with something with no protest.


Anonymous said...

Tolerance is allowing someone to exist with you while Acceptance is welcoming someone to exist with you. Acceptance is more helpful than tolerance.


Andrew E.

Brett said...

Courteous of Miriam-Webster Dictionary:

Tolerance: the act of allowing something.
Acceptance: the act of accepting: the fact of being accepted: approval.

Gene's comment is a great way to really put it. Tolerance can be allowing something to happen but accepting is when it doesn't phase you. People tend to tolerate physical pain and move on with their lives. Once the pain becomes intolerable, they accept the fact that surgery may be the only option.
You tolerate your cousins as existent when you only need to see them twice a year at family events. You accept them as human beings and equals when you invite them to hang out occasionally. To tolerate you don’t have to like the object but it is just you allow the object/person/group to exists without bothering them. But acceptance is when you try to learn what things they are about and what brings them together.
Tolerating homosexuals is just seeing their existence and not bothering them. Acceptance is going to a rally to support same sex marriage and trying to contribute to the cause.