Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Bicentennial Man and Immortality
Monday, March 30, 2009
Losing Nature With Age
The Technology Good/Bad Debate
First off, it isn't a black and white issue. Yes, technology has made things a bit more complicated and screwed up a lot of everything natural. I know the polar bears are drowning. But has it not also saved countless lives because of medicine and seatbelts? hmm? So yes, there are 3 sides to every coin, they just rarely land vertically.
Secondly, humans create all technology, and if technology is in itself evil does that mean either A.) that people are evil and create diversions for themselves to exude a facade of happiness? or B.) technology has imparted upon itself the power of a sentient and decision making being. It chooses to be evil even if it is made with good intention. Both of those arguments present a large problem to the technology haters and lovers.
Finally, in order to have this debate at all, one must be willing to truthfully answer the question, "Would you rather live without technology?" I think 99.99% of the time, the answer will be no. Thoreau doesn't count because he never got to use an Iphone.
Ultimately, no one of my generation could honestly say that they would rather not have technology, thus they must either resign themselves to the fate of the brainwashed and bored, or use the technology to make the world a better place.
Technology <3s Nature
Here are a few ways that people can use technology to nurture nature!
#1. Alternative energy sources! Instead of burning oil which pollutes our environment, we can use free energy such as solar, wind, hydro-electric and geothermal. After an initial investment, these installations pay for themselves in a few years, and you can even sell electricity back to the company and make a profit.
#2. Recycle! New technologies and tactics now allow us to recycle more than ever before. All sorts of plastics, metals and paper products are recycled and turned back into useful items instead of just being dumped somewhere. Though, even the things that are just dumped can be used. The heat and gas given off by landfills is being used to power generators to create electricity.
#3. Saving animals through captive breeding! Yeah. this one is a bit weird, but we can help bring back the species we've destroyed by pairing the few remaining members and organizing a little lovin'. Some people really really love pandas, so if the natural way doesn't work, they can do it artificially.
Clearly, technology doesn't have to hate nature! A little ingenuity and investment is helping our planet get back to what it was and helping the human race to coexist with it peacefully. Thank goodness for technology, because I love Mario Kart and glaciers and now I can have them both!
Texting & Emoticons
This is kind of a stupid video, but in a way it shows that sometimes emoticons replace actual feelings to try to get a point across about how a person feels. It's pathetic, but emoticons and texting emoticons [ ex. :) ;) or :( ]are the closest thing we have to communicating our true feelings.
Technology vs. Nature !
When Technology Gets Into the Wrong Hands
Moss Art
Man vs. Machine in Movies
In I, Robot, people have created robots that help them do everyday things and even working in mail delivery and factories. People become completely dependent on them. When one of these robots breaks one of the "Three Rules of Robotics" and kills a person, it ignites a big issue where the rest of the robots end up attacking the humans.
In Terminator, a robot is sent back in time from a future where robots have taken over the world. It tries to kill the mother of a future revolutionary leader.
In The Matrix, humans are being enslaved and harvested by sentient machines. The machines create the "world as we know it" to pacify the humans.
What these movies are all really trying to ask is...
"How far can we keep advancing technology before it gets ahead of us?"
If you read a book, you will immediately picture how things are supposed to be in your head. Your imagination takes over and fills in the blanks that the book leaves. With our newer technology, we can make anything happen in a movie, which leaves millions of possibilities for Hollywood. Now that we have the technology to make a game of "quidditch" happen onscreen, we'll make the movie of a book. Once you see things on screen, your mind immediately takes their adaption of the visuals or even the audio instead of your original thoughts. People will then assume that what they had previously thought of was wrong, and the movie is right. In reality, it's just another adaptation. Another option. Technology in a way takes away the thoughts our imagination had previously come up with.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
stop motion animation
Stop Motion Animation
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Pen Pal's
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Revolution of Story Telling
Thursday, March 26, 2009
You have to tilt your head to watch the video.
Some of my earthworks done in Windsong Lenape Park!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Going Green or Going Back?
Aside from the obvious benefits from using cars, lightbulbs, heaters, etc. would it have been better had we not invented them? Are we really just backtracking across centuries of human technology or is a progression really necessary in technology? Are we really "going green" or are we just trying to turn the clocks back?
I'm not sure there's really a true answer here and even I rest on the fence on this one. On one hand, I think our world would be a lot better off had we not invented such technology. But, because we now have these gadgets, etc. and people are not really willing to give up their new found technology, I think progression is necessary. However, such a thing would not be necessary if we had not created the monster ourselves.
Learning and Technology
Learning Style Quiz:
1. You are about to give directions to a person. She is staying in a hotel in town and wants to visit your house. She has a rental car. Would you:
V. draw a map on paper?
R. write down the directions (without a map?
A. tell her the directions?
K. collect her from the hotel in your car?
2. You are staying in a hotel and have a rental car. You would like to visit a friend whose address/location you do not know. Would you like them to:
V. draw you a map?
R. write down the directions (without a map)?
A. tell you directions?
K. collect you from the hotel in their car?
3. You have just received a copy of your intinerary for a world trip. This is of interest to your friend. Would you:
A. call her immediately and tell her about it?
R. Send her a copy of the printed intinerary?
V. show her a map of the world?
4. You are going to cook a dessert as a special treat for your family. Do you:
K. cook something familiar without the need for instructions?
V. thumb through a cookbook looking for ideas from the pictures?
R. refer to a specific cookbook where there is a good recipe?
A. ask for advise from others?
5. A group of tourists has been assigned to you to find out about national parks. Would you:
K.drive them to a national park?
V. show them slides and photographs?
R. give them a book on national parks?
A. give them a talk on national parks?
6. You are about to purchase a new stereo. Other than the price, what would most influence your decision?
A. a friend talking about it?
K. listening to it?
R. reading the details about it?
V. its distinctive, upscale appearance?
7. Recall a time in your life when you learned how to do something like playing a new board game. Try to avoid choosing a very physical skill, i.e. riding a bike. How did you learn best? By:
V. visual clues-pictures, diagrams, charts?
R. written instructions?
A. listening to somebody explain it?
K. doing it?
8. Which of these games do you prefer?
A. Pictionary? R. Scrabble? K. Charades?
9. You are about to learn how to use a new program on a computer. Would you:
K. ask a friend to show you?
R. read the manual which comes with the program?
A. telephone a friend and ask questions about it?
10. You are not sure whether a word should be spelled "dependent" or "dependant". Do you:
R. look it up in a dictionary?
V. see the word in your mind and choose the best way it looks?
A. sound it out?
K. write both versions down?
11. Apart from price, what would most influence your decision to buy a particular textbook?
K. using a friends copy?
R. skimming parts of it?
A. a friend talking about it?
V. it looks OK?
12. A new movie has arrived in town. What would most influence your decision to go or not go?
A. friends talking about it?
R. you read a review about it?
V. You saw a preview of it?
13. Do you prefer a lecturer/teacher who likes to use:
R. handouts and/or a textbook?
V. flow diagrams, charts, slides?
K. field trips. labs, practical sessions?
A. discussion, guest speakers?
Now go back and count how many V's, A's, R's, and K's you circled. Whichever letter you have circled most indicates your preferred learning style. If you have a "tie" or two letters are about equal you probably have more than one preferred learning style.
You have been identified as a Visual Learner. You learn best by watching or seeing things.
You have been identified as an Aural Learner. You learn best by hearing things said or explained.
You have been identified as a Reading/Writing Learner. You learn best by reading and taking notes.
You have been identified as a Kinesthetic Learner. You learn best by using your senses, especially hands-on approaches.
Now that you know what learning type(s) you are, how specifically has technology helped or hindered your learning both in the classroom and outside of it? Do you feel that overall it has enhanced your learning experience or made it worse?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Optical Illusions
The Grandfather Paradox
Every time you make a decision, an alternate reality gets created. If you decide to write in black ink, a reality is created where you use blue ink. So once you kill your grandfather, you are immediately in an alternate reality where you've done it. You no longer exist in the original reality that you came from.
Existentialism in Waiting for Godot
In English we read a play called Waiting For Godot, a work classically known for its existentialist themes. It reminded me of what we talked about in class about the meaning of life, a subject about which the author, Samuel Becket, has a lot to say.
Becket uses his play to explore the condition of human insignificance. Becket takes a narrowly focused look at two pairs of people then delves into the importance of perspective and cycles in dealing with the human condition.
A key issue that surfaces in the piece is the insignificance of people. As members of the human race, people aren’t valued. A person is only one among a huge mass of self-interested people. In Waiting for Godot, Beckett shows the audience two couples of people who have deep and intricate relationships, but are insignificant to anyone else. Estragon and Vladimir have known each other for years and have become co-dependent on each other. Their value to each other is immeasurable. The case is comparable for Pozzo and Lucky. They are so emotionally bonded that they cannot be separated. Pozzo tries to get rid of Lucky by selling him, but it is evident that he is unable to do so. Vladimir and Estragon’s relationship and Pozzo and Lucky’s relationship, as monumental as they may seem to themselves, will never be important to the world.
Another issue explored is how cycles depreciate the value of life. For Becket, a cycle is one day and he makes each cycle distinctly separate from the one previous. Estragon can never remember what he has done the day before. All of his actions lose meaning because he will never remember them long enough to build on them. While Vladimir’s memory is much better than Estragon’s, he is still unable to connect the events of one day to the next. This circumstance prevents both of them from being able to ever make any progress. In a situation comparable to that of the legendary Sisyphus who pushes his rock up the mountain infinitely, each day Vladimir and Estragon start from scratch in dealing with their troubles. No matter how they push, they never reach the top. Like Sisyphus, they always start again at the bottom of the mountain.
Becket’s word choice reveals his strong opinions on existence. He repeats the phrase “Shall we go?" emphasizing a fixation on destination. In his opinion, life is mainly comprised of waiting. As Estragon says, “Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes.” In that vein, it would be useless to measure life by what is gained. Instead, Becket is intent on destination. He looks to see if people can end the day in a different place then when they started. As Vladimir and Estragon are stagnant and fail to achieve a destination, it is clear that Becket concludes that people cannot, and therefore they bear no significance.
Becket makes comparatively little of the human experience. There is little meaning in the relationships between people when looked at the perspective of the whole world. There is also nothing gained in the span of one cycle or even in one whole life. His work deconstructs life and searches for its meaning and ultimately does not find much to explain why we exist.
Dana "Sunshine"
Proof of Reality
For people to believe reality to be what they perceive they must have trust in their senses. While most people have no problem with this, there are cases where people do not trust their senses to accurately portray reality. Such a case is in the play Proof. It’s about Catherine, the daughter of a great mathematician who suffered from schitzofrenia.
In the play’s opening Catherine is already confused. Her father has just died, yet she sees him in the room with her. She doubts her senses and does not trust what she sees. At the same time, she must deal with wanting to trust her father because she loves him but being unable to rely on his image because she knows that she may have inherited his mental illness. Before Catherine is even able to process the dilemma with her father, she is presented with another when her sister comes home.
Catherine’s relationship with Claire also gives her reason to doubt what she sees because she knows that Clair isn’t trustworthy. Their complicated interactions are the result of years of distrust and manipulation. On top of their already poor relations, Catherine’s misgivings about her sister spike when she discovers that Claire has been maneuvering behind her back. Claire cannot be forgiven or trusted after she has been found to be tampering with the most valuable pieces of Catherine’s life.
In the end, Catherine discovers that unlike the mathematics with which she is so familiar, in relationships there is nothing certain. She says, “It’s just evidence. It doesn’t finish the job. It doesn’t prove anything…Nothing [would]. You should have trusted me” Catherine seeks to find the proof that her sense of reality can be trusted. She finds that there is no proof. There is only faith.
Dana "Sunshine"
Would you rather...
As in the game, one often is faced with only two choices. Through trial and error, the human race has learned to usually choose the lesser of two evils. This is where the quandary arises. If everyone has differing points of view, how can large groups of people come to a consensus about these decisions. Imagine two huge groups arguing over what they would rather do, or have. What does this remind you of?
A presidential election? Whether or not to drop the bomb? All major decisions in history have just been games of "Would you rather"
I should probably take hide and go seek more seriously.
Cat Galaxy
Remember Men in Black?
Yeah, I know you do. So, do you recall that the galaxy that the plot revolved around was actually the size of a little charm on the cat's collar? Take a look at the video if you don't remember. (Sorry its in French)
Think - if galaxies weren't infinitely large spans of space and matter. They were all the size of a cat charm. Rather... they're all the size of an atom. No, even smaller... molecule. What if every molecule was a galaxy.
Imagine. Or galaxy is actually just an molecule in a planet we've never seen before. It would be galaxy within galaxy within galaxy - forever.
Could this be for real?
An Existential Take On "The Scream"
Here’s the thing- everyone in town knows about this boy- most have in fact seen him in his locked cellar. But no one tries to help, for they know that if he is released, if anyone shows him kindness, the happiness and well being of Omelas will be destroyed.
Knowing all of this, would you like to live here, knowing that everyone’s happiness depends on the suffering of one person?
Ishmael- by Daniel Quinn
Among other things, Ishmael addresses the issue of poverty among humans, blaming what he calls ‘mother culture’ (a subliminal voice humans have grown up with, telling us we are the superior race) for brainwashing us with the false notion that it is unethical to let famine balance out the population. Ishmael’s idea is that “every increase in food production is answered by an increase in population somewhere”. Even if Nebraska is making extra food, some other third world nation eventually consumes it, and grows as a result, throwing it further in poverty. I suppose this is a stretch, but this reminded me of the butterfly effect; the idea that the butterfly flapping its wings causes a tsunami somewhere else. It was one of his ideas that I found awfully insensitive, but now I’m not sure…
Anyway, go read this book; Ishmael is a good teacher who makes his points in clear concise ways that I found fairly easy to follow compared to other philosophical things I’ve read. I thought Ishmael was on the money for a lot of things, but there are others I don’t agree with, which I find makes the book that much more interesting, hearing what a gorilla has to say about humanity. The media center now has a copy; check it out!
3D Street Art
This video shows a few examples of a new art form that is done on the streets of diffrent cities. While watching this, it made me thing what is real? if i were to pass one of these, i might actually think something was sitting or sxomign up from the sidewalk. Some of the drawings even make it look as if the sidewalk has been removed or that there is a gaping hole leading to the center of the earth. what do you think of the art? Is it simply abstract and the artists use the street as their canvas? Or do you think it is a form of sculpture? hey.. it could be anything!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I really liked making that domino chain in Reck's class. Our class basically just made a straight chain which looked kind of cool but this is MUCH more interesting. I hope everyone enjoys!
Jack and Locke Discuss Fate/Destiny
Imagining Food
Fire and Ice
The activity that we did in Reck's class
with morphing a paradox reminded me of this
poem by Robert Frost. Which do you think is worse, fire or ice?
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice
Does Everything Happen For a Reason?
Even though it's sometimes hard to understand why bad things happen,
I like to think that each action has a purpose behind it in the long run.
My question is, does this whole theory seem too optimistic?
We hear people say this whenever somebody is in a bad situation to
make the other person feel better... don't we? Are we being
blinded by the fact that, hey bad things do happen spontaneously and may
have no purpose at all? And if so, is that reality?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Is ignorance bliss or is truth beauty?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
To be or not to be
Thursday, February 26, 2009
some food for thought
1. Why do they call it "head over heels in love" if our head is always over our heels?
2. Why is the name if the phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
3. If someone can't see they're blind and if someone can't hear they're deaf, so what do you call people who can't smell?
4. Why is it called a TV set when there's only one?
5. Why do they call it an escalator if it takes you down?
6. If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth?
7. Since we see little birdies when we just get knocked out, what do little birdies see when they just get knocked out?
8. Why is a male ladybug called?
9. Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?
10. How fast do hotcakes sell?
11. If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu would it be called a bulls--t?
12. Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside?
13. Does the President have to pay taxes?
14. If Dracula has no reflection how come he always has such a straight parting in his hair?
15. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone and it runs someone over in the street does it stop to help them?
16. Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that when it contains neither grapes, nor nuts?
17. Why do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front?
18. What ever happened to an E grade? We have A,B,C,D,F but no E.
19. Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
But this episode also challenges reality. Sorry about the quality. It's not that good, but it was the best and shortest video clip I could find that got the point across. Of course, if you're really interested, it's posted in three parts (in its entirety) on youtube.
So who dictates the reality in the video? Does the man actually see what he sees or is it a hallucination? How could he possibly prove that what he sees is real?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Zeno's Paradox
Basically - it means we will never reach our goal - the finish line - the end - we will always be halfway there.
it claims if you throw, say a ball - towards a wall (i chose a ball because it rhymes. with wall) - the closest it will ever get is halfway there. so if it is ten feet it will turn into 5 then 2.5 then 1.25 then .625 then .3125 and it will continue to only be half way there - forever.
it says we will never meet our destination.
what do you think of this claim of Zeno's Paradox? do you think this is true? will we ever get there? and then what is our destination? what is there?
the tree does sound
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Yet another philosophical entry which people will probably not want to hurt their brains thinking about, but I'm going to post it anyway!
In Philosophy we read this article written by a guy named Dennett. It was totally hypothetical, which I want to establish first because then some people will think this is cool and real, etc. and even if it's cool, it is completely unrealistic. But interesting to think about none the less.
So Dennett undergoes this process to remove his brain and put it in a holding container. Then, they use his body to go to a nuclear active site (which would harm brain material) to do some stuff. His brain can feel the body and see everything it sees, but is miles away and totally unconnected. His body dies of exposure. Then, only his brain exists. But after a while, they are able to create him a new body for the brain. After this new body they create another body for the same brain, so it now controls two bodies. The question is, which is the real Dennett? The brain, the original body, the 1st new body, or the 2nd new body? Or does Dennett not exist at all?
This is not a riddle in any way, shape, or form! Philosophers have been arguing about self, the mind, and basic human existence since Socrates (who lived way, way back in ancient Greece). But feel free to comment on your views.
Classic Existence
So, since there really aren't any food for thought questions (or are there?), I decided to write my own inspired by one of the questions. One of my favorite arguments is the one about the tree. Come on, you've all heard it before, so some variation thereof.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it fall, does it still make a sound?
My dad actually has a shirt that says: If a man speaks at sea with no woman to hear him, is he still wrong? Which is just a clever way of repeating the same thing.
But anyway, does it? And can we really ever answer this question or is it, as one kid in my English class likes to say, "completely pointless because philosophy has no answers."
Monday, January 26, 2009
Is too much freedom a good thing or a bad thing?
The Punk Paradox
Prisoners of the Bell
Sick And Tired
Speaking Out
As mentioned earlier Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi were known for their rebellions they lead to try to change things. They spoke out against political problems and showed their discontent, but what happened to all of them? I am not saying they were not doing the right thing, I fully agree with what they were doing and what it meant for the future. The problem was when other people do not like what they said, these "haters" did something back. All three of these brave leaders were assassinated and shot down speaking their minds. So it isn't a question of how legal or not their actions were, but how dangerous it is to do it in public.
This is my personal favorite! Enjoy :)
Religious Freedom
[[ I'm not athiest or anything, I'm Christian, I'm just stating a point. ]]
Black History Month
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Nothing Like Freedom
Best Way to Rebel
This clip from That 70's Show shows a girl that is rebellious. Do you think that her idea of "fighting the system from the inside" is the best way to do it?
Life Without Rejection: Not possible.
Freedom: Exercising Your Rights
We frequently discuss that it is important to vote but what if our opinion (much like the subject in the comic) is that everything is okay? A friend of mine who turned eighteen this November chose not to vote in the election because she thought the both Obama and McCain would make equally good presidents and was happy with either choice. Was she forfeiting her right to her opinion by not voting?
The other comic made me think about what happens when we take our rights in a democracy too far.
We have the right to protest, but is it always necessary? What happens if we are protesting something that could be seen as silly? Are we abusing our rights?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Is Banksy a punk?
The cage vs. The world
Friday, January 23, 2009
new food for thought
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Relativism and Its Impact
A lot of people in my class believe that ethics are relative. We also talked about this in my Philosophy class last year and we were pretty unanimous that ethics are not relative.
The idea of ethics being relative is really dangerous in our society for several reasons. For one, it gives individuals the right to form their own societeis with their own rules and obligations, etc. It's like saying that a cult can be a different society so if the leader wants to murder everyone in the cult and those people all agree, then that's okay. Basically, ehtics being relative is comparative to the theory of anarchy in government.
From what I've explained, what do you think? Should ethics be considered relative or not? Feel free to argue against what I've said if you think I'm wrong.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Artistic Movements
***CHALLENGE: Create the next artistic movement.***
The Danger of Total Freedom
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Relating to the Butterfly Effect
It is how you finish
Thursday, January 1, 2009
On Happiness
with the help of Baker (guy i work with) we came up with this question -
"is society generally more happy or unhappy".
so i surveyed 50 people - random customers at work, other mall employees, and three family members - all different races, ages, status, income, etc. and asked them that question and recorded the results in my journal. so i thought i would post the question -
IS society generally more happy or unhappy - and why?