Monday, March 30, 2009

The Technology Good/Bad Debate

Is technology evil? Does it want us to play Wii all day long and text our fake friends with unintelligible acronyms? Of course it does! But the whole debate between the technology lovers and tree huggers is flawed for several reasons.

First off, it isn't a black and white issue. Yes, technology has made things a bit more complicated and screwed up a lot of everything natural. I know the polar bears are drowning. But has it not also saved countless lives because of medicine and seatbelts? hmm? So yes, there are 3 sides to every coin, they just rarely land vertically.

Secondly, humans create all technology, and if technology is in itself evil does that mean either A.) that people are evil and create diversions for themselves to exude a facade of happiness? or B.) technology has imparted upon itself the power of a sentient and decision making being. It chooses to be evil even if it is made with good intention. Both of those arguments present a large problem to the technology haters and lovers.

Finally, in order to have this debate at all, one must be willing to truthfully answer the question, "Would you rather live without technology?" I think 99.99% of the time, the answer will be no. Thoreau doesn't count because he never got to use an Iphone.

Ultimately, no one of my generation could honestly say that they would rather not have technology, thus they must either resign themselves to the fate of the brainwashed and bored, or use the technology to make the world a better place.

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