Monday, March 2, 2009

Fire and Ice

The activity that we did in Reck's class
with morphing a paradox reminded me of this
poem by Robert Frost. Which do you think is worse, fire or ice?

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice


sparkler said...

Either way would be terrible. I would prefer for the world to never end. But if I had to choose one it would be in ice. I feel that the world ending in ice would be a lot more echo friendly. When fire burns things it releases bad gasses into the atmosphere. So we would not only be killing our planet with fire, but we could quite possibly destroy other planets or even our whole galaxy. If we were going to go down I wouldn't want everyone to go down with us.
Plus: Our eco system has already recovered and re-birthed itself from ice. We grown so much, ice doesn't destroy everything as fire would. and thus it would be easier to become a functioning eco-system again.

jennifer c said...

i think that fire and ice are both bad. i would also prefer for the world to end in ice. the world ending in ice would be a way to "freeze" everything in it's tracks so that it could stay in it's place forever. fire burns and is not a pretty sight. it would destroy our planet because of the gasses that fire releases and killing everything in its path.

Bianca D. said...

I would say fire is worse; when you're hot, there's no way of dealing with it. When you're cold, you can at least put on layers.
Personally I would rather freeze to death; in the end, you stop feeling everything, and a warm sensation envelops your body...not a bad way to go.

Chris Wood said...

I think both senarios would be prettty bad. However if i had to choice one it would be ice. We could possibly find some way to live through the ice whereas with fire there is no hope. Everything would burn and it would be impossible to maintain any sort of life on earth. It is also possible that the ice would melt and we could change everything. However fire would just burn everything ending life forever.

David Swissman said...

Both scenarios would be hard to choose from. However, if I had to choose one it would have to be frozen to death. If the world ended from fire it would not only be harmful towards humans but the planet as well. The fire would also release harmful gasses towards the planet.

Smarty Pants said...

I think that we would be able to find way to survive in any condition that we will get stuck with